Sunday, September 23, 2007

First times the charm...

I've got to say, this is in fact the last time I will ever go to long island party in a very long time (actually untill winter break), and it is the last time I will ever bring any out of stater with me to an island bash. Though I get my moments when all I want to do is leave, I've got to say that my friends are the best part. We are honestly our own breed of human. They constantly remind me that I have a soul, because theirs is burried so deep. Not even going to lie, last night was one of the most dramatic and hilarious nights of my last. It was almost too much to handle and confirmed somethings within me:
1) give me some beer, and I will pass out everywhere- I don't care where, floors, stairs, couches, loveseats, next to people, on top of people. I don't care, just don't disturb me, that is all that matters. When I'm asleep, due to beer, I can sleep through anything, including numerous fights and skull busting events. I can't lie its, pretty sweet.
2) I really, hate being a mom when I'm drunk. The only things that matter to me when there are 5 to 7 beers in my system is the fact that I want to sleep and laugh. It doesn't matter how much I think of you, I just wish that where ever you are on the emotional ladder, you can manage to stand there by yourself. I'm not good with trying to help too much, I know I am way too slopy.

Its like this, who needs enemies when you have friends like me. It blows chunks when I've got to question my worth as a friend, when the room keeps on spinning... it is not as glamorus as you would like to think.

Oh, I feel the need to introduce myself. My name is Elaan, I've been loyal to livejournal for 4 something years but it lacks that certain shine that drawn too. I'm just moved to the only city that matters, New York, as a student. It is odd because I'm far too young to live here, but way too in love with my age. My issuse are: I cannot say no, I've got more body issuse than I care to think. My relationships with guys often leave me sratching my head, and all I really want in life is to dance, take photos, and wear mini dresses/ boots. I can handle most of the week, except for friday and sunday mornings (friday because I hate my classes then, and sunday because I'm recooperating from saturday... and friday night). I care more about fashion than most of my major, and when I sleep, I press my body up against the wall and barely move. I'm addicted to caffeene and in denial over my dependance on "Capri Ultra Lights". I'm a lot smaller in person than in any photo, and I've got a thing for voices.

That is pretty much me in a nut shell.